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英语热词:坚持“地中海饮食”Mediterranean diet

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-04-03


It is never too late to start eating a Mediterranean diet, as a study shows it could stop the brains of people in their seventies from shrinking.


The Mediterranean diet is a modern nutritional recommendation originally inspired by the dietary patterns of Greece, Southern Italy, and Spain in the 1940s and 1950s.


The principal aspects of this diet include proportionally high consumption of olive oil, legumes, unrefined cereals, fruits, and vegetables, moderate to high consumption of fish, moderate consumption of dairy products (mostly as cheese and yogurt), moderate wine consumption, and low consumption of non-fish meat products.


Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, olive oil, and even a glass of wine a day, may protect the grey matter which declines as we age.


A study of pensioners with this diet found their brain shrinkage, associated with memory loss and Alzheimer’s, was half of others their age.


Previous studies have found a Mediterranean diet, which is also low in meat and dairy, may protect against dementia. The diet has also been found to cut the risk of Parkinson's disease and dying from cardiovascular disease and cancer.




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